All Articles for product [Engine] version [6009]
General : Events and PrintPreview dialog in VB6
Bug : Tooltip is not saved in DWG
Bug : Constant Attributes inside blocks with Invisiblemode = true are displayed
Bug : PolyHatch object is not displayed correct
Wish : Export a method to Clear the Redo stack
Wish : Export the Contours, ContourLevels of GroundSurface object to the professional.tlb
Wish : FileError doesn't get correct values
Bug : CmdSelect Ignores Lock Layers and Invisible entities when passing a vdSelection object
Wish : A property to control that the methods and properties of VectorDraw Wrapper will ignore the deleted items or not.
Wish : Version 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component
Bug : Hatch problems
Bug : Explode in blocks with arcs problems
Bug : Undo takes too long with deleted items in collections like blocks
Wish : vdLight's Intensity enum "Midium" has a spelling mistake
General : User Commands do not work correctly after opening VDI/VDF files
Bug : Problem with Union command.
General : HPGL improvements
Bug : Problem with BigSHXFontFiles text displaying
Wish : WCS icon compatible with version 5.x
Bug : VDPRO1.VdColorIndexToRGB(0) returns negative value
Bug : ColorDialog always returns DialogResult.Cancel
Bug : AltTTFFont property is not implemented in VDF Wrapper 6.x
Wish : A property to get the DEVMODE structure properties of a Printerexport
Wish : Degree symbol for Angular Units to be displayed as char(176)
Bug : OnAddItem and OnAfterAddItem event are fired for objects inside UnRegisterDocument collections
Bug : CmdMirror problem with the last parameter
Wish : Get the file error type when save/saveas fail
Bug : cmdDim with vdFigure (quick dim) dont work in Wrapper
Bug : vdDimension Diameter is not correctly displayed
Wish : GetBoundaryPolyFromPoint Method in Wrapper 6.x
Bug : cmdFillet problem
Wish : Width property of TextStyle in Wrapper 6.x to work as WidthFactor property of Version
Wish : AddPolyline in Wrapper to work with array of xyz values.
Wish : Add AddAttrib and BHatch command to Wrapper
Wish : Point parameters, in commands
Wish : GetWrapperObject (translate a VDF .NET object to the compatible "Wrapper" object)
Wish : The object Grip_SelectedObject to be a "Wrapper" object and not a VDF .NET object
Bug : cmdDim problem when passing array of points
Wish : AlphaBlending Transparency in Images
Wish : Gradient fill in hatches